Sunday, February 10, 2008


God doesn't care if we know the Bible cover to cover and can prove he exists beyond a shadow of a doubt, God knows he exists, that's like going up to your best friend and being like "I can prove you exist" just merely being able to prove he exists doesn't make you best friends. God wants a relationship. God wants you to know he is always there for you whenever you need him.

When you are sitting alone in your room depressed and broken about what your life is about, you start to have this conversation inside your head. God is that voice talking to you when no one else is around, that voice that says you can do amazing things with your life if you just trust in him.

I heard this verse in Romans 1 today that stuck out to me pretty deeply. its verse 19

Since what may be know about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities-his eternal power and divine nature- have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.

Many Christians spend their whole lives studying and being skeptics of something that God made so clear. These people think they know everything about God and how he works, but really they have no idea. God is not understandable by the logic we have as humans. We don't know why God does things, because we don't have the capacity to think like him.

In verse 22 it says "Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools and exchaged the glory of an immortal God for images made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles."

How perfect does this describe the way a lot of Christians think. God says "Hey guys I have made it plain and clear to you that I exist, just open your eyes and look outside" but we as humans are like "I believe you exist but not I am going to prove it with this theory and that theory"

The greatest proof that God has given us is the fact that everything that we see came from nothing, has a human ever been able to create something from nothing? No...

It's simple, God knows he exists, we should know that too. When it talks about exchanging the glory of an immortal God with images made to look like mortal man and bird and animal and reptiles, he is saying that we have this picture of God that he thinks like humans or even worse animals, when God is an immortal being.

We will never EVER understand the complexity of God and how he works, but he is there, I know he is there because I have seen him in the lives of so many. I have seen him answer prays that I thought were impossible, I have seen him strip things away from me that I believed I needed. I have seen God's work and love in my life and that's all I need to truely believe. God didn't show me he existed through facts and theories, God showed me he existed when I showed him that I was willing to truely give him a chance.

95% of Americans believe in God as of the year 2000.
Just because you think that God exists doesn't get you anywhere. Just like if we were to walk up to a friend and tell him "you exist" he's going to be like "wow you are an idiot, how much time did you waste on that that we could have spent being friends and getting to know each other?" This is what we do with God.

Nazarene, Baptist, Catholics...etc... We all have our theories on who God is and we are ALL wrong within our doctrines. God doesn't care if we believe in predestination, free will, once saved always saved, or pergatory..... These are all just merely theories and deep in our hearts we really have no idea how God really worked out the details.

I don't want to be defined by my theories, I think if you were to ask God about predestination he would be like "Who cares" When is the Bible did Jesus say you should spend your whole life proving he exists. Jesus spend his time talking about important things like love, and serventhood. If he thought it was important to know I think he would have made it a little more clear in the Bible.....

So well my challenge is to think about what God desires from us....God thinks far beyond the capacity of our minds, but yet puts it plain and simple for us. Simply don't be dumb in the way we think about God, he loves us and will always be there for us whenever we go beyond proving and start loving.....


laura lynn clowson said...

i appreciate your wisdom, ryan.
i love the thought that our minds arent even capable of grapsing the fullness and extisity of our God.

Tyler DeLong said...

Very good sir...I long for the days when christians stop debating about whether the world was created in 7 literal days or periods of time, and relize that there are 10,000 people a day dying from starvation!