Tuesday, February 19, 2008

You Are Loved

Wow....The last couple months I wasn't really grasping the fact that I am Loved...I knew my friends cared about me, but I had no idea how beautiful that fact is, I took it for granted....I learn this last weekend what true love is....I learned the most powerful lesson a person can learn....I saw Jesus love me through total strangers, complete strangers who knew nothing about me and through my best friends who know me so well. I couldn't possibly fathom this life without the existance of God and the Love he gives each person the ability to express.

God is Love, his Love is so powerful and I have really tried to grasp how great that Love is and I don't think it is possible. The problem with humans is they have no idea how much they are truely Loved, even if it is by people they don't even know. Jesus teaches a way of Agape Love in which Love is unconditional and to everyone. How amazing is that? Words cannot describe the feeling of beauty you get inside of your heart when you truely understand how many people love you. I know when I felt that I couldn't keep from crying.....

True Agape Love brings you to your knees in tears and makes you wonder why you are so beautifully blessed. You cannot understand Love, science will never be able to explain it. Love is a choice, no matter what you are Loved it is whether you choose to accept that Love that makes you whole. Whether you are on the high point in life or going through the roughest times you should know that you are truely Loved and that alone will bring you strength. How can anything that preaches this amazing and beautiful message be wrong? I just couldn't possibly imaging living a life without the true Love and grace of God and my brothers and sisters in Christ. 

After this weekend I understand that I am Loved and with that Love I have to spill it out to others...it's like a kid who gets a new toy and he wants to show all of his friends...I just want to tell the world about how beautiful this feeling is......So let me end with this, it's not a challenge, it's a simple fact....The Gospel in one word is Love...You are Loved by me and by the one who gave his life for you, the precious Jesus.....


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