Friday, February 22, 2008

I have a dream

I have a dream where Christianity is restored to what God intended...Denominations will be no more and we can come together as the body of Christ...people won't split up based on their theories and traditions but yet they will unite based on the facts of the Bible....A church will be a place where everyone is accepted and welcomed and people will know that they have a family in Christ....

I have a dream where Christianity solves world hunger and poverty, where war will end and Christians are willing to give up everything for Jesus....where the Church is brought back to the point of loving God and others and not paying pastors too much and spending millions on fancy buildings....

I have a dream where the divorce rate will cease to exist and the porn industry will be no more....where people know that marriage is forever and won't throw it away....Kids will grow up will two loving parents who spend time with them and not spend all their time working for things that don't last....Prisons will not be needed and the crime rate will cease...people will put everyone else before themselves and their selfish desires will be abolished....

1 comment:

laura lynn clowson said...

Hope is not a dream but a way of making dreams become reality.
L. J. Suenens